CBD Topicals
Everywhere you turn these days brings, there are new topical cannabidiol (CBD) products. From lotions and creams to serums and salve, CBD is the superior product in the health and skincare industry.
Let’s break the surface, are topical CBD products in Texas genuinely useful? The largest organ of our body is our skin. Brands are finding ways to incorporate this beneficial supplement into the beauty industry.
Many consumers are taking note — and are significantly surprised to learn that CBD can be applied topically. Dry skin? Eczema? Tight muscles and sore joints? CBD salve helps alleviate these issues. CBD-infused salve is a game-changer. Let’s take a closer look at CBD topicals.

CBD Topicals Vape Militia Houston Texas
What is CBD Topical?
Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, comes in various forms, including topical creams, lotions, and salves.
Topical ointments have been around for centuries — originating from ancient Europe and ancient Egypt.
They were used as a disinfectant and to relieve pain, fight skin conditions, bacterial diseases, local pain, and inflammation.
Topical CBD products, such as CBD salves, CBD balms, and CBD topical oils and lotions, are absorbed through the skin to provide relief from aches, pains, or skin hindrances — without any side effects.
How to Use CBD Topical
When you ingest CBD, CBD acts on the body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS), promoting more efficient receptor linkages and supporting enzyme activity and balance. The same applies to the skin, but rather than penetrating the bloodstream, CBD shows effectiveness at a localized level. When CBD is applied topically, it is absorbed through the pores of our skin, allowing it to work with the ECS.